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How the New York Police Department is Using Artificial Intelligence ? Answers (latest)

Use of AI in NYPD ( AI news) AI has been changing things in many industries and departments recently, here is how it has had an impact on the New York Police Department. If you wanna know  more about AI  and be updated an AI trends you can follow me on- Pintrest Instagram Tumblr When a syringe wielding drill their tried sticking up a home spot near Yankee Stadium,police figured out quickly that it wasn't a one-off. A man had also used syringe a few weeks earlier while stealing a drill at another home depot 11 km south in Manhattan.  The match,though,wasn't made by an officer looking through files. It was done by pattern-recognition computer software developed by the New York Police Deparment. The software ,dubbed Paternizr, allow crime analysts stationed in each of the department's 77 precincts t compare robberies, larcenies and thefts t hundreds of thousands of crimes logged in the NYPD's database, transforming their hunt for crime pat...

What is Q - Learning | Artificial Intelligence Tutorial (EASY)

You wanted to know more About AI!? , Let me tell you , you are in the Right place!

in this blog we shall talk more about the topic "Q-learning" !

Image result for AI

Okay let's get started! -

I am so happy to tell that we are finally learning  'Q-Learning' in Artificial Intelligence.

By now you would be wondering where is the Q?
in our formula given below (the bellman Equation !)

Image result for bellman equation

And that's is what exactly that is going to be answered today.

Here it is

This is the Image I want you to look above.Now the bot is in that location it will not matter how it got there as it is a Marcov Decision Process .Now the bot has 3 options either go up,right,left and according to it's experience it has calculated it's value of each state depending upon future and the Bellman Equation.This is the approach here.

Now have a look at this image,


Here we have an difference we are not gonna name it V anymore it is going to be Q.Where Q stands for quality and it just became super popular so it's called Q now.Here unlike V the letter Q denotes the quality of the action.Now that actions lead to states there has to be some kind of relationship between them and hence lets make it fit.

Now I want you to have a look at the above Equations as this is not a video I will try my best to  explain well.

By the way you can subscribe to my channel as the video will be coming up soon!

Here how it's derived.

Now in the letter V when we are in a state we consider the value of only that state.Here in Q we consider the state we are in and the action been taken in that state.

When we add the letter Q the letter V is replaced with Q(look above in equation) which is equal to the result of the state and the action and the result can be affected by the probability of going left and right due to the environment  and the best possible result of the next state due to the action.

This is how the letter Q fits in the bellman equation.


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